Trademark Objection in India - An Overview

Trademark objection is an important part of the trademark registration process. Not all trademark applications are accepted, and some may face objections and rejection. During the examination process, trademark examiners conduct thorough searches in databases to identify any older trademarks that are identical to or confusingly similar to the mark under consideration. The trademark examination report summarizes the results of the examiner's investigation and provides reasons for any objections raised. When responding to a trademark objection, certain documents are typically required: Report on authorized documents: This may include any necessary authorization or authorization of representation documents. Trademark examination report: The objection notice issued by the trademark examiner should be included in the response. Identification documentation: Identification documents that establish the identity of the applicant or authorized representative may be needed. The process for addressing trademark objections generally involves the following steps: Review the objection: Thoroughly read and understand the grounds for objection stated in the notice. Prepare a response: File a counter statement within the specified time frame, typically within 2 months from receiving the notice. This response should address each objection raised and provide supporting arguments and evidence. Hearing and evidence submission: After submitting the counter statement, a hearing may be scheduled. This provides an opportunity to present your case, submit relevant documents, and provide evidence to support your arguments. Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) appeal: If the registrar's decision is unfavorable, you can appeal to the IPAB. The appeal must be filed within 3 months from the date of the registrar's order. Trademark registration in india provides the right to sue against others who try to copy your trademark and prevents others from using a similar trademark to the one registered by you.

Documents Needed to File Trademark Objection Reply:

The following documentation is needed for trademark objections process:
  • Report on authorised document
  • Trademark examination report
  • Identification documentation
  • Process for address verification in trademark opposition

How to File Trademark Objection Reply?

Filing a trademark objection reply is an important step in the trademark registration process, particularly if the Trademark Registry has raised any objections to your trademark application. Here's a general outline of the process to file a trademark objection reply: Review the Objection Letter: Carefully review the trademark objection letter issued by the Trademark Registry. Understand the specific grounds on which the objection has been raised. Gather Evidence: Gather all the necessary evidence and documents to support your trademark application. This may include proof of prior use, evidence of distinctiveness, and any other relevant documents. Consult an Attorney: It is highly recommended to seek legal advice from a trademark attorney who can guide you through the process and draft a suitable reply to the objection. Prepare the Reply: Your attorney will help you prepare a well-crafted reply addressing each of the grounds of objection raised by the Trademark Registry. The reply should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Include Supporting Documents: Attach all relevant supporting documents and evidence along with the reply. These may include invoices, advertisements, product samples, and any other materials that demonstrate your trademark's distinctiveness and prior use. Submission: Once the reply has been prepared and all supporting documents are in order, file the reply with the Trademark Registry within the stipulated time frame mentioned in the objection letter. Be sure to keep a copy of the reply and the proof of submission. Await Decision: After submitting the trademark objection reply, the Trademark Registry will review the response and evidence. They will then make a decision on whether to accept or reject your trademark application. Be patient during this process, as it may take some time for the Trademark Registry to evaluate the response. Follow Up: If required, be prepared to follow up with the Trademark Registry to provide additional information or clarification if requested. Seek Professional Help: If the objection is complex or you face difficulties in responding to the objection, consider seeking professional legal assistance from a trademark attorney. Remember, each trademark application is unique, and the process of filing a trademark objection reply may vary based on the grounds of objection raised by the Trademark Registry. Working with a qualified attorney can significantly increase your chances of successfully overcoming the objection and obtaining trademark registration.

Reasons for Trademark Objection in India

In India, trademark applications may face objections for various reasons. Some common reasons for trademark objection in India include:
  • Similarity to Existing Trademarks: If your proposed trademark is similar to an existing registered or pending trademark in the same or related class of goods or services, the Trademark Registry may raise an objection.
  • Descriptive or Generic Trademarks: Trademarks that are descriptive of the goods or services they represent or are considered generic for the products may be objected to, as they lack distinctiveness.
  • Offensive or Immoral Trademarks: Trademarks that contain offensive or immoral elements that may hurt religious or social sentiments can be objected to.
  • Deceptive Trademarks: Trademarks that are likely to deceive the public about the nature, quality, or geographical origin of the goods or services can face objections.
  • Use of Geographical Names: Trademarks that consist of geographical names may be objected to if they are likely to mislead the public about the origin of the goods or services.
  • Deceptively Similar Trademarks: Trademarks that are deceptively similar to well-known trademarks, even if they are for different goods or services, may face objections.
  • Lack of Distinctiveness: Trademarks that lack distinctive character or are too common to identify the origin of goods or services may be objected to.
  • Incorrect Filing or Information: If there are errors or discrepancies in the trademark application or supporting documents, the Trademark Registry may raise an objection.
  • Non-Compliance with Trademark Rules: Failure to comply with the formal requirements and procedures specified in the Trademark Act and Rules can lead to objections.
  • Unauthorized Use of Emblems and Names: Usage of official emblems, national flags, or names of countries, international organizations, or public institutions without proper authorization may face objections.
  • It's essential to address the objection raised by the Trademark Registry in a timely and appropriate manner. Responding to the objection with strong arguments and supporting evidence can increase the chances of overcoming the objection and securing trademark registration. Seeking professional advice from a trademark attorney is advisable to navigate the objection process effectively.

Trademark Objections

In some cases, the trademark examiner might see certain problems or issues with the registration of a trademark. These issues can be either the filing of an incorrect trademark application form online, incorrect name/details, the usage of deceptive or offensive terms, insufficient information on goods or services, or the existence of an identical or deceptively similar mark. When an objection is raised, the status on the register will show as ‘Objected’, following which an expertly drafted response will need to be filed after an analysis of the objection itself and with any supporting documents and proofs. Objection response is your opportunity to strengthen the claim over your mark and create urgency. If the response is accepted, the application will be processed further for brand registration and advertisement in the Trademark Journal. If it is not accepted, or if there are additional clarifications sought by the examiner, there could be a trademark hearing scheduled and this will be communicated to you by a notice. The process typically takes 2-4 months from when the objection is first raised. Once completed, the chances for approval, while not guaranteed, are much higher. <

Eligibility Criteria for Trademark Objectiona

Eligibility Criteria for Trademark Objection In India, any person can file a trademark objection if they believe that a particular trademark application should not be registered. However, not all objections are accepted, and there are certain eligibility criteria that must be met for a trademark objection to be considered valid. Here are the eligibility criteria for filing a trademark objection in India:
  • Proper Grounds for Objection: The person filing the objection must have valid grounds for objecting to the trademark application. Common grounds for objection include similarity to an existing trademark, lack of distinctiveness, deceptive nature of the mark, and violation of the Trademarks Act, among others.
  • Legal Standing: The person filing the objection must have a legal standing to do so. This typically means that they should have a legitimate interest in the matter, such as being a competitor in the same field or an individual or entity that may be affected by the registration of the trademark.
  • Proper Representation: The objection can be filed by the applicant themselves or through an authorized representative, such as a trademark attorney or agent.
  • Filing within Time Limit: The objection must be filed within the prescribed time limit. In India, a trademark objection can be filed within four months from the date of publication of the trademark application in the Trademark Journal.
  • Payment of Fees: The objection must be accompanied by the prescribed fee as per the current schedule of fees.
  • Complete and Correct Information: The objection application must be filled out with complete and correct information, providing all the necessary details and supporting documents.
  • Evidence and Supporting Documents: The person filing the objection may need to provide relevant evidence and supporting documents to substantiate their claim and establish the grounds for objection. The documents required are:
    • Signed Form-48
    • Identification proof of the signatory
    • Address proof of the signatory
    • Business proof (depends on the type of business)
    • Udyog Aadhar/MSME registration certificate (optional).
Pleadmasters has the best attorneys to complete the whole process without any delay. We can tackle the trademark objection process in India in just a few clicks. Our In-house trademark experts can finish all the formalities without any hassles. Reach out to us through our websites and get your process kickstarted.

FAQ For Respond to TM Objection

What is meant by Trademark Objection?

When the examiner is unsatisfied with the trademark, they may object to it. The trademark should comply with all the rules and regulations. The applicant will receive an intimation and must respond within thirty days.

Where to get the Trademark Objection report?
How much time does it take to reply to a Trademark objection?
Is there any difference between Trademark objection and Trademark Opposition?
What are the various grounds available for Objection?
What happens when the trademark reply fails to satisfy the trademark office?
Is there any government fee to file a reply for the trademark examination report?
Does the applicant need to be physically present during the procedure?
How do you clear a trademark objection?
How Do I Find the Objection of a Trademark?
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